Mengedit Sunting halaman dan kemudian klik Simpan. Bantuan, TAMAN BERMAIN Pilihan Mediafile FIXME **Halaman Ini tidak sepenuhnya diterjemahkan, namun. Mohon bantuan menyelesaikan terjemahan.**\\ //(hapus paragraf ini setelah terjemahan selesai)// == Sandra and Woo 0814 == **The Divine Comedy, Page 12** {cnav} {{0814.png}} <!-- Larisa: What exactly does your app do? The Devil: You enter everything you know about the angels’ plan, start the calculation, and get a map as a result after some time. Larisa: A map? The Devil: Yes. It displays where the victim needs to be at a certain time to have the highest chances of survival. Larisa: Clever. The Devil: What’s this?! Screen: Hacked by ANGELZ SQUAD – We 0wn li’l sinners who try to interfere with GOD’s plans! The Devil: Look at this! The angels have infected the app with nefarious malware! That’s…! That’s… The Devil: … simply devilish! Larisa: Whose side are you on, really?! --> {{tag>angels larisa religion technology the_devil}} Melanjutkan editing setelah menyimpan Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Simpan Просмотр Batal Сводка изменений Catatan: Dengan menyunting halaman ini, Anda setuju untuk melisensikan konten Anda dibawah lisensi berikut: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International