Mengedit Sunting halaman dan kemudian klik Simpan. Bantuan, TAMAN BERMAIN Pilihan Mediafile FIXME **Halaman Ini tidak sepenuhnya diterjemahkan, namun. Mohon bantuan menyelesaikan terjemahan.**\\ //(hapus paragraf ini setelah terjemahan selesai)// == Sandra and Woo 0671 == **The Last Panel** {cnav} {{0671.png}} <!-- Woo: Are you drawing a comic strip? Sandra: Yes. Woo: What’s the hardest part of writing a comic strip in your eyes? Sandra: Hmm… Sandra: I’d say having to come up with something surprising every time. Sandra: Like, for example, in the last panel of this strip. Woo: Whoa! --> This strip is an homage to Luigi Serafini’s groundbreaking art book [[|Codex Seraphinianus]], first published in 1981. The Codex is is an illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world and written in a cipher alphabet in an imaginary language. The 360 pages long book resembles the Voynich manuscript, which was the inspiration for our strip #500, [[0500|The Book of Woo]], in serveral regards. {{ tn-codex-seraphinianus.jpg }} {{tag>art codex_seraphinianus cryptography literature luigi_serafini sandra woo}} Melanjutkan editing setelah menyimpan Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Simpan Просмотр Batal Сводка изменений Catatan: Dengan menyunting halaman ini, Anda setuju untuk melisensikan konten Anda dibawah lisensi berikut: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International