संपादन पृष्ठ संपादित करें और फिर सहेजें पर क्लिक करें। मदद करना, खेल का मैदान Выбор медиафайла FIXME **इस पृष्ठ को पूरी तरह से नहीं अनुवाद किया है, अभी तक. कृपया मदद को पूरा करने के अनुवाद के साथ ।**\\ //(दूर इस पैरा एक बार अनुवाद समाप्त हो गया है)// FIXME **Esta página não está completamente traduzida ainda. Por favor ajude a completar sua tradução.**\\ //(remova este parágrafo assim que a tradução tenha terminado)// == Freefall 3013 == **O lobo à porta**\\ [!0.987]2017-09-01 {cnav} {{cotan>3013.png}} @144,449,76,20 # ~ @24,9,127,20 # ~ @40,12,123,28 # ~ @64,20,104,20 # ~ @16,8,133,77 [flo]O que o fez interessar-se por parasitas? ~ @6,168,148,39 # ~ @46,159,164,20 # ~ @65,148,191,20 # ~ @85,167,146,40 # ~ @2,165,155,126 [mad]O killifish da Califórnia. Mais especificamente, a sua minhoca chata parasita, Euhaplorchis californiensis. ~ @5,359,261,143 # ~ @5,369,240,143 [mad]O parasita precisa de três hospedeiros. Migra das aves para os caracóis para pescar e depois regressa às aves. Esteriliza um dos seus anfitriões e controla outro. É um ciclo de vida ridiculamente complexo. ~ @20,673,37,22 # ~ @38,637,110,63 # ~ @99,654,77,22 # ~ @21,640,105,100 [flo]Na engenharia, tentamos manter as coisas simples. ~ @6,771,187,39 # ~ @44,758,215,82 # ~ @125,793,144,22 # ~ @5,762,207,140 [mad]Quando se trata de parasitas, a Mãe Natureza arrancou a página simples do seu livro, rasgou-a, queimou-a e atirou as cinzas para um redemoinho. ~ {{<cotan}} \\ Cor por George Peterson\\ [[enw>Killifish]]: <spoiler|Euhaplorchis californiensis> – a parasite introduced from the tropics and found in the salt marshes of southern California. The parasite's eggs enter the water with the waders' droppings, where they are eaten by Cerithideopsis californica snails. The snails become sterile. Several generations develop inside the snail, and then the cercariae larvae emerge into the water. The larvae attach to the gills of the Killifish (order Carpozoa) and work their way along the nerves into the cranial cavity where they build up a carpet around the brain. Infested fish are four times more likely to "wiggle, twitch, shimmy and show themselves" (Lafferty, K. D. (1999). "The evolution of trophic transmission.") than uninfected ones. This behaviour increases their likelihood of being caught and eaten by birds by more than 30 times. The parasite then lives in the intestines of the birds and produces eggs, which are released with the droppings and enter the water body. (translation from [[enw>Euhaplorchis californiensis|English Wikipedia article]]) ([[user>KALDYH]])</spoiler> संपादन जारी सहेजने के बाद Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: सुरक्षित करें पूर्वावलोकन रद्द करें सारांश संपादित करें Примечание: редактируя эту страницу, вы соглашаетесь на использование своего вклада на условиях следующей лицензии: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International