संपादन पृष्ठ संपादित करें और फिर सहेजें पर क्लिक करें। मदद करना, खेल का मैदान Выбор медиафайла FIXME **इस पृष्ठ को पूरी तरह से नहीं अनुवाद किया है, अभी तक. कृपया मदद को पूरा करने के अनुवाद के साथ ।**\\ //(दूर इस पैरा एक बार अनुवाद समाप्त हो गया है)// == Nerf Now!! 1414 == {cnav} {{1414.png}} I don't think Na'Vi is a bad pro team, but I think on their glory days, they were 1 or 2 steps ahead of the opposition. Like a seasoned veteran playing among kids. They didn't only win, but did it with such a dominance performance you would think the enemy team had no chance. Beating Na'Vi would instantly bring a no-name team to the spotlight. But now I feel every team learned the basics. You can't mess around on the early game or do crazy dives and expect to go unpunished. Plus a new patch give the teams a fresh start as old heroes and tactics phase out. I expect them to win a lot, but I won't bet my rares blindly on them. संपादन जारी सहेजने के बाद Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: सुरक्षित करें पूर्वावलोकन रद्द करें सारांश संपादित करें Примечание: редактируя эту страницу, вы соглашаетесь на использование своего вклада на условиях следующей лицензии: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International