संपादन पृष्ठ संपादित करें और फिर सहेजें पर क्लिक करें। मदद करना, खेल का मैदान Выбор медиафайла FIXME **इस पृष्ठ को पूरी तरह से नहीं अनुवाद किया है, अभी तक. कृपया मदद को पूरा करने के अनुवाद के साथ ।**\\ //(दूर इस पैरा एक बार अनुवाद समाप्त हो गया है)// == Sandra and Woo 0338a == **A Challenging Comic – Solution** {0338<cnav>0339} {{aimg>0338a.png}} @70,236,213,69 ~ @120,516,188,63 ~ @287,144,95,49 ~ @326,764,197,77 ~ @281,739,227,41 ~ @619,510,425,252 ~ @462,588,100,41 ~ @881,510,455,327 ~ @452,858,22,30 ~ @211,239,216,61 ~ @300,323,160,79 ~ @287,29,85,48 ~ {{<aimg}} <!--Sandra: We received some criticism that Sandra and Woo is not “challenging” enough. Woo: So here’s the most challenging strip in the history of comics! Sandra: Kenapa pa? Ada berita buruk? Sandra: ADAAABAT AAAH ATAEAB ANAAACAN AIAVARAAAMAN AEAVAE ATAO ANANAOAE AMAOAC Richard: [[http://www.sandraandwoo.com/misc/genesis.html]] Sandra: BMS SBPIQQUWW IMCIGL. II BIOYS QVS UGH HAWHCWUA BMH RBVLVL HH FNMXF BIUS NJX DOP CSWQKQ WFEX BMRM. Across\\ 2. Drops $17 when killed\\ 4. Raccoon lady suffering from strong food envy\\ 5. Given his track record (#45, #106), Woo would certainly ___ Jerry\\ 6. Watched the Watchmen\\ 8. Richard x ___ = Sandra\\ 10. First person to leave a written record about the raccoon (surname)\\ 12. Wolf with a very low opinion on members of the species Procyon lotor\\ 14. Severe threat to the national security of the United States of America, likes nuts\\ 16. Powree, like Ivan, makes her living working as an ___\\ 18. Cloud’s weapon of choice\\ 22. Woo destroyed one of his paintings (surname)\\ 24. May contain nuts, especially after dinner\\ 25. Violets are blue and not related to shadows\\ 26. Twilight is popular even among young girls living in ___ Down\\ 1. Creator of “Locke and Rousseau”, no wait… (first name)\\ 3. Songs of this pop group are a popular choice as background music while playing with Barbie dolls\\ 6. A ___ such as “Sandra and Woo”, “XKCD” and “Gunnerkrigg Court”\\ 7. Country that was transformed into a constitutional monarchy just a few weeks ago\\ 8. “Sandra and Woo” is drawn on this island\\ 9. Frequent victim of teleotactile spells of the fourth level\\ 11. Wrote the first comment on “Sandra and Woo” (surname)\\ 12. Locust Inc. ate Paul ___ (in the figurative sense)\\ 13. Being good in this field of science might earn you lots of (French) kisses\\ 15. Larisa has apparently just one, not two\\ 17. Proper punishment for bloodthirsty tyrants\\ 18. Sold her soul to the devil for a glass of lemonade\\ 19. Saving squirrels since 1912\\ 20. Fictional character that doesn't want to be one\\ 21. Goes from 0 to flirtatious in two seconds flat, according to our reader Yappy Dog\\ 23. Benjamin is very afraid of women that carry one of these--> {{tag>Ричард Сандра Ву}} संपादन जारी सहेजने के बाद Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: सुरक्षित करें पूर्वावलोकन रद्द करें सारांश संपादित करें Примечание: редактируя эту страницу, вы соглашаетесь на использование своего вклада на условиях следующей лицензии: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International