Redaktado Redaktu la paĝon kaj poste alklaku Konservi. Helpu, LUDEJO Elekto de aŭdvidaĵa dosiero FIXME **Tiu paĝo ankoraŭ ne plene tradukiĝis. Bv. helpi kompletigi la tradukon.**\\ //(forigu tiun alineon post fintraduko)// == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0047 == **A Visor Unwiser** {cnav} {{0047.png}} {{tag>"Metroid Prime 3"}} So, like I said, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is awesome to the max. The controls are smooth, the graphics are polished, and, unlike previous Metroid games, you actually have a sense of being part of an organization – you're still exploring the levels and shooting stuff by yourself, but you do get to rendezvous with the Galactic Federation every now and then – there's plot and character interaction beyond what's described in the instruction manual. It's different from the usual Metroid formula (wherein you get some sort of mission brief from the opening cutscene, drop to a planet's surface, and then shoot stuff until you beat the game), but it's pulled off well.\\ Gameplay mechanics from the previous Prime games have also been cleaned up; in particular, walljumping and the X-Ray Visor are much less painful this time around. Being able to walk and shoot at the same time is also a useful addition.\\ Ofcourse, the first thing I did when I acquired the aforementioned visor was stare at Samus's hand for like five minutes. Walking around with her skeletalized cannon arm always in view //is// cool.\\ …After a while, though, that much concentrated X-ray radiation can't be good for you. …\\ Also, Varn kindof sortof helped come up with this in an abstract sort of way. Sortof.\\ Also, //rrrgh drrfff// hamfisted robots //and// spandex. There is no way for me to draw Samus comfortably. Also, I still love Space Pirates, if anyone had doubted it for one second. Daŭrigu redaktadon post konservado Nomo de tiu retejo, en la angla, nur minuskla Bonvolu lasi tiun kampon malplena:Konservi Antaŭrigardi Rezigni Bulteno de ŝanĝoj Rimarku: redaktante tiun ĉi paĝon vi konsentas publikigi vian enhavon laŭ la jena permesilo: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International