Old revision

Furry Guys 0211 - 0220
Furry Guys 0211

О волосах…


Тоже один из важных моментов. Коль вопрос мелькнул в Аске, перетащу сюда -_-

Also one of the important points. Since the question flashed in Ask, I drag it here -_-

Furry Guys 0214

Issue 4-36

Ursification of Men in Black


The plus side of not talking person is that you can say anything!

Furry Guys 0215

Issue 4-37


Yes, Tammy isn't the only exorcist here, but there are other “peaceful” specializations. By the way, you can see Tammy's “favorite edged weapons” here

Furry Guys 0217

Issue 4-38


“Конструктор в цехе - как замполит в окопе!”

…And upstairs is quiet and smooth…

Furry Guys 0219

Issue 4-40


…that's what happens when you don't have an inspection for a long time…

Furry Guys 0220

Issue 4-41



Ta-da! Tammy's favorite weapon, of course, is the axe! Elegant and functional.

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