Old revision
Furry Guys 0081 - 0090
Furry Guys 0081
Furry Guys 0082
Furry Guys 0083
Furry Guys 0084
Issue 2-38
Ursification of System of a Down
And you is the eighteenth, the last! Do you remember the new rule? Well done, at ease! Miss Hunter… I understand why used club and marker… but the bells? M? klink Demons well remember metallic sounds - the grinding of steel, the roar of factories, including some musical instruments like pipes, violins and, of course, bells. Now here's this sound for your hwargs will cause… “bad memories”, and even without me they can be calmed - just need to recreate the desired sound. klink
Furry Guys 0085
Furry Guys 0086
Issue 2-40
Despite the abundance of disagreements and “dinner with the exorcist”, today even could be called “calm day”… Production Preparation Department If only at the end of the shift did not happen any dammit. Good afternoon! Good man! Production Preparation Department ALEX ME URGENTLY NEED YOU!!! TUG! Whaa! Quickly, quickly!
…Same as usual…
“У меня есть план!” (с)
Furry Guys 0087
Issue 2-41
Ffucking force! Dan, I almost shitted my heart from fright! But you did not? What are you conceived for this time? All you need is to stand on the lookout! Don't dragin me into your stupid adventures! You're not dragged in! Just stand at the door to Dallas's office! Wha-at? Shut up and cooperate! Ouch!
The phrase from the last frame became winged at my work…
Furry Guys 0088
Furry Guys 0089
Issue 2-43
Here is nothing… Bingo! whish Not so much documents… License Tammy S. Hunter Testimonial The copy of the license, a letter from the Ministry, the standard questionnaire… the biography in three paragraphs. Hmm, so she's only twenty-four…? Dan, alert! Knock! knock! You can found nothing of super cool info as I look to your face. So I thought I'm going to take my “fiasko hat” A piece of shit.
*После окончания обучения в специализированной школе, все экзорцисты проходят обязательное лицензирование и ставятся на учет Министерством Экзорцизма. К лицензии в обязательном порядке есть специальное приложение, в котором перечислены все подтвержденные навыки (изгнание, стрельба, призыв, работа с механизмами, демонология и многое-многое другое) и указана специализация экзорциста.
Подробнее обо всем этом - в последующих выпусках.
* After graduating from a specialized school, all exorcists undergo mandatory licensing and are registered by the Ministry of Exorcism. To license necessarily have a special application, which lists all the confirmed skills (exile, shooting, call, work with mechanisms, demonology and much more) and specified specialization exorcist.
Furry Guys 0090
Issue 2-44
…And what - nothing at all..? Uhum, with the words 'no fucking“. The most standard documents, meager and up to nausea everyday biography. Awesome is straight near. Do you think all the exorcists have to be mysterious? And by the way, where does Tammi come from? Western District. Burley city. Burley…? It's on the edge, near the Sinai mountains. ..? Yeah, the ass of the world. There, probably, a hundred years nothing was happening. Do not tell me. Twenty years ago there was a real tragedy - the town was attacked with the how and where appeared cinderrush. The demon raced across the half of the city, that night about fifty urses were killed. And it's scary to count the wounded. Really? But I never heard of it. I was about ten years old when this happened, and I know this only because my aunt lives in Burley and we went to her to help to rebuild the house after these events. Gorblimy…