Old revision

Furry Guys 0061 - 0070

Furry Guys 0061

Issue 2-17


Mister Dallas! knock-knock I composed a list of what I need to pacify the Hwargs. Well. If you get everything quickly I'll do it after dinner.

Issue 2-18


…Don't argue with an exorcist… and also, to search casual logic here…

Collar with bells, size 34 - 1 pc. Golf club #8 silver - 1 pc. Marker - 1 pc. T. Hunter twitch Miss Hunter, if you think it's funny… I'm not joking OOPS! Well, we'll get it. Just take away your third vision - I'm sick from seeing on it.

* Cписок, если кто не видит:

  1. Ошейник с бубенчиками, 34 размер - 1 шт.
  2. Клюшка для гольфа, №8 серебристая - 1 шт.
  3. Корректор (маркер) - 1 шт.

About third vision


…This is an important point of the entire FG.

Issue 2-19


Nicely! I'm for dinner! Why am I so lucky with these rabid…? And how must I show this to the suppliers?

Issue 2-20


* There are 8 entities in the picture, and whoever finds at least 6 will be amazed)

Issue 2-21


RIMME Emm, Alex?.. Mm? Are you kidding me? What?! For the sake of all tails - don't act like a moron!

Issue 2-22


Hello! Hello again! Tammy, this is my friend Dan Diesel. Dan, this is Tammy Hunter. Strangely… Are you really the exorcist? Fuck…

Don't believe! ©

Мне стоит застрелить тебя здесь или ближе к дому?

Не верь! (с)

About music…


Small offtopic in the form of “ursification” of one musical group. Who knows them - give five %)

Issue 2-23


Yip! Khe… Wham! Completely foolish? hee But what isn't so?! he-he hee hee hee-hee E-em… Tammy?? Did you expect to see something more… impressive? Well, not that…

Внешность обманчива

Issue 2-24


Did you study at the private R. Bacon's school? Yes, like all exorcists. Cool place there, probably? Heh, school as a school. Old, dusty and with cockroaches in the campus. Pieces for high school students like polygons were located outside the city. Cool! To be honest, I did not count on communication with the new exorcist. But, in contrast to their predecessors, Tammi was surprisingly 'normal“ ursa - how normal a licensed mentalist might be. And Dan finally had the opportunity to learn more about his hobby… So, did you know Diamond Ashley? Yeah, he sometimes gave us lessons in сombaе exorcism. Awesome!

In the world of ursi there is only one school that is engaged in the “cultivation” of exorcists. The school takes eight years and training lasts up to 21 years. However, you can come there at a later age, as well as take retraining courses - at any age.

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