Editing Edit the page and then click Save. Help, PLAYGROUND Media Files == Ursification of anime Hellsing == [back] {{ursi_hellsing.png}} …А это была одна из экспериментально-шуточных обложек, ныне оставшаяся не у дел, но мне она нравится :)\\ Особенно Мрака в роли Виктории. Ну, кто узнал - молодец!\\ А какое аниме нравится вам?))) …And it was one of the experimental comic covers, now remaining with Affairs, but I like it :)\\ Especially the Darkness in the role of Victoria. Well, who knew - nice guy!\\ And what anime you like?))) [back] Continue editing after saving Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Save Preview Cancel Edit summary Note: By editing this page you agree to license your content under the following license: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International