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en:sci-fi:furry-guys:0317 [2021/05/25 09:17]
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
en:sci-fi:furry-guys:0317 [2022/06/30 01:41] (current)
Rainbow Spike
Line 5: Line 5:
 {{cotan>​0317.png}} {{cotan>​0317.png}}
 {{<​cotan}} {{<​cotan}}
- +By the waaaay... today is the birthday of the comic'​s author. You can pull his earz.))\\ 
-Кстаааати… сегодня день рождения автора комикса :​wub:​ можно подергать оного за ухи)))+The author is a girl, but nevertheless I will put "​his"​ here ([[user>​robot_spike]])