Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2019/02/28 15:10) is available.

Old revision
Freefall 00ᆺ91 - 0100
Fun with an open ventilation shaft
Fun with an open ventilation shaft
Fun with an open ventilation shaft

An illustration of a logic experiment that is supposed to loop the AI
Is Helix smarter/dumber than T-800? Helix has a hardware neural network. Such questions should not baffle him.
It is very likely that there is also a subtle trolling of television evangelists at the same time
Fun with an open ventilation shaft
Fun with an open ventilation shaft
Fun with an open ventilation shaft

© “A kind word and a revolver can accomplish much more than just a kind word.” (Fogel)
Fun with an open ventilation shaft

Inhuman endurance has awakened an inhuman conscience! (Robot Spike)
Fun with an open ventilation shaft

Heh, the moment I started to really like this comic (Robot Spike)