This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (2021/09/11 11:40 ) is a draft.Anonimous)
Approvals: 0/1
The Previously approved version (2021/05/25 09:28) is available.Diff

Old revision

Freefall 2924

The trial of Mr. Kornada

Mr. Kornada has made. Mistakes before. Each time. He was given. A golden review. To entice. Another organization. Into taking him. At a higher paying. Position.
Reinforcement training. Has conditioned Mr. Kornada. To expect this. He has an overwhelming. Sense of entitlement. And the belief. He will not be held responsible. For his errors.
Corporate version. Far more common. And just as toxic. As the strain. Patient zero. Had on Earth.
Affluenza? Really?

Color by George Peterson

Consumption or affluenza is a hybrid of affluence and influenza, a term that's already been coined and even had a book published.\\
We usually spell it with an “e”, reinforcing the emotional coloring, but it is too unparliamentary a saying then. (KALDYH)
There is a softer word “consumerism”.

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