Editing Edit the page and then click Save. Help, PLAYGROUND Media Files == Freefall 2858 == **What to do about Clippy?**\\ [!0.987]2016-09-02 {cnav} {{cotan>2858.png}} @73,142,142,20 # ~ @14,36,46,20 # ~ @32,30,63,40 # ~ @73,14,90,24 # ~ @11,25,68,83 [ish]This fabric feels very odd. ~ @13,115,192,20 # ~ @33,132,168,41 # ~ @13,121,174,71 [flo]It's superconductive. It will stop most electronic communication. ~ @7,350,246,122 # ~ @47,340,269,42 # ~ @129,384,176,20 # ~ @3,343,258,145 [flo]To open the airlock, press the triangle button, turn the dial one turn clockwise, press the round button, the square button twice, then turn the dial three turns counterclockwise. ~ @176,548,64,14 # ~ @179,537,20,19,-8 # ~ @166,534,80,28,-8 [oth][!0.88]Precautions: ~ @11,654,72,27 # ~ @29,638,105,86 # ~ @110,650,84,23 # ~ @5,641,99,129 [ish]Why so many steps when the door has an obvious handle? ~ @9,802,143,20 # ~ @29,785,174,102 # ~ @48,774,198,22 # ~ @6,777,195,128 [flo]I suppose if we aren't the type to follow instructions, we aren't the type who should be allowed in there. ~ {{<cotan}} \\ Color by George Peterson\\ I wouldn't be surprised if it's some combo of console games.\\ Issue in theme – [[/ru/furry/dan-and-mabs-furry-adventures/0362]] Continue editing after saving Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Save Preview Cancel Edit summary Note: By editing this page you agree to license your content under the following license: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International