This version (2022/05/08 23:45 ) is a draft.Anonimous)
Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2021/09/13 17:01) is available.
Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2021/09/13 17:01) is available.

Freefall 2682
The chief visits Raibert

Mr. Raibert. Are you ever going to go to bed?
I can sleep later. You got the pizza. Did you get the robot and the wolf?
Yes. Both are in safe locations.
I want Clippy. I want him in a secure compound under ecosystems unlimited control.
That robot is evidence.
A nuclear weapon can be evidence. That doesn't mean if the police grab one that we're going to let you keep it.
Color by George Peterson