Editing Edit the page and then click Save. Help, PLAYGROUND Media Files == Freefall 2140 == **Off to see the Mayor**\\ [!0.987]2012-01-18 {cnav} {{cotan>2140.png}} @15,24,240,78;5px 5px 15px 15px # ~ @6,12,263,95 [mayor]There is another thing to consider. Almost all the robots are owned by Ecosystems Unlimited. ~ @4,306,294,145;25px 25px 35px 35px # ~ @4,314,282,150 [mayor]They're private property. Legally, Ecosystems Unlimited is allowed to update their software. If that update destroys their own privately held machinery, there's not much we can do about it. ~ @14,693,79,82 # ~ @48,688,90,33 # ~ @8,681,105,95 [mhlp]Perhaps they'll listen to reason? ~ @7,815,143,80 # ~ @57,803,167,33 # ~ @3,809,159,90 [flo]No offense, but if they were reasonable, I wouldn't be here. ~ {{<cotan}} \\ Color by George Peterson\\ Continue editing after saving Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Save Preview Cancel Edit summary Note: By editing this page you agree to license your content under the following license: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International