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en:sci-fi:freefall:1384 [2021/03/04 17:20]
Rainbow Spike Зачистка
en:sci-fi:freefall:1384 [2021/09/11 12:46] (current)
Rainbow Spike Space place correction
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 {cnav} {cnav}
 @0,​0,​284,​153 @0,​0,​284,​153
 [flo]You'​re missing the point. Side B was going for the moral high ground right on the leading edge of a series of scandals. Savings and loan. Waste management systems. Watergate. Tyco. Enron. [flo]You'​re missing the point. Side B was going for the moral high ground right on the leading edge of a series of scandals. Savings and loan. Waste management systems. Watergate. Tyco. Enron.
 ~ ~
 @0,​298,​171,​155 @0,​298,​171,​155
 [flo]There was a deep ethical crisis going on. Every time millions of dollars disappeared,​ side A was involved. [flo]There was a deep ethical crisis going on. Every time millions of dollars disappeared,​ side A was involved.
 ~ ~
 @0,​471,​206,​171 @0,​471,​206,​171
 [oth]So if side B had developed a sterling reputation for ethics, they almost certainly would have been asked to take over positions of leadership. [oth]So if side B had developed a sterling reputation for ethics, they almost certainly would have been asked to take over positions of leadership.
 ~ ~
 [oth]Side A would have to become more ethical in order to compete. [oth]Side A would have to become more ethical in order to compete.
 ~ ~
 @0,​800,​174,​173 @0,​800,​174,​173
 [flo]An upward spiral. Though not without cost. It's likely the North American Lobbyist would have been driven to extinction. [flo]An upward spiral. Though not without cost. It's likely the North American Lobbyist would have been driven to extinction.
 ~ ~
-{{<aimg}} +{{<cotan}} 
-Фло перечислила крупные скандалы в США, в частности, [[ruw>​Enron]]. +Flo listed major scandals in the U.S. in particular, [[ruw>​Enron]].