Editing Edit the page and then click Save. Help, PLAYGROUND Media Files == Freefall 0774 == **Dress to kilt** {cnav} {{cotan>0774.jpg}} @20,14,147,60 # ~ @77,55,61,23 # ~ @10,13,155,89 [flo]Why did you go into the vents? Did you hear a noise? ~ @19,201,73,80 # ~ @11,198,80,94 [sam]No, the vent system is fine. ~ @10,345,182,120 # ~ @47,333,208,44 # ~ @128,333,207,25 # ~ @5,336,196,152 [flo]Then why did you go in? If I understand why you do things, I'll be able to think like you and will be better able to anticipate your needs. ~ @38,556,107,98 # ~ @17,578,64,21 # ~ @13,556,101,129 [sam]It's an alien thing. It's not something I should explain. ~ @23,714,69,22 # ~ @45,704,90,43 # ~ @17,699,95,77 [flo]That's not very helpful. ~ @8,850,86,24 # ~ @27,824,146,85 # ~ @47,813,20,26 # ~ @3,819,146,112 [sam]It's very helpful. It's best for both of us if you can't think like me. ~ {{<cotan}} Continue editing after saving Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Save Preview Cancel Edit summary Note: By editing this page you agree to license your content under the following license: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International