Editing Edit the page and then click Save. Help, PLAYGROUND Media Files == Freefall 0125 == **Catch! The first appearance of Sawtooth Rivergrinder** {cnav} {{cotan>0125.jpg}} @11,15,192,70 # ~ @72,32,160,28 # ~ @4,13,186,102 [saw]Heya, Sam. I was just telling Florence about the noodle incident. ~ @14,288,75,66 # ~ @54,279,91,26 # ~ @4,282,86,83 [sam]The noodle incident? ~ @9,385,184,84 # ~ @87,402,148,30 # ~ @0,386,185,117 [saw]You know. The one you blamed on that spiky haired boy with the stuffed tiger. ~ @13,603,116,33 # ~ @34,629,63,23 # ~ @5,606,117,56 [hlx]I remember that. ~ @70,673,55,45 # ~ @92,667,67,20 # ~ @66,651,95,52 [sam]Helix, Shhhh! ~ @12,755,218,69 # ~ @54,749,73,24 # ~ @71,776,163,26 # ~ @0,761,200,105 [saw]I can still hear the kid yelling "It wasn't me, mom! It was space aliens! Honest!" ~ {{<cotan}} Isn't it Calvin and Hobbes? ([[user>Robot Spike]])\\ [[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoodleIncident|Noodle Incident]](nbsp)– [[ruw>троп]], an event from the past that is mentioned but never told, implying that it is either too ridiculous or offensive (or the story will not live up to the audience's expectations). ([[user>plBots]]) Continue editing after saving Name of this site, english, lowcase only Please keep this field empty: Save Preview Cancel Edit summary Note: By editing this page you agree to license your content under the following license: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International