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en:news:index [2019/11/04 10:17]
Rainbow Spike Замена слеша
en:news:index [2022/09/10 10:46] (current)
Rainbow Spike
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 === News archive === === News archive ===
 +<box unborder unbg news>
 <​spoiler|2018>​ <​spoiler|2018>​
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 +  * [[./1911]]
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 +  * [[./2001]]
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 +  * [[./2101]]
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-==== Latest news ==== +{{page>./last/​index&​footer&​editbutton&​redirect}}
- +
-<​note>​**April 24 2018**\\ +
-Set up automatic selection of the main page with the appropriate language ([[user>Robot Spike]]) +