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en:news:index [2018/04/24 00:51]
Rainbow Spike
en:news:index [2022/09/10 10:46] (current)
Rainbow Spike
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 === News archive === === News archive ===
 +<box unborder unbg news>
 <​spoiler|2018>​ <​spoiler|2018>​
-[[./1804]]\\ [[./1805]]\\ [[./1806]]\\ [[./1807]]\\ [[./1808]]\\ [[./1809]]\\ [[./1810]]\\ [[./1811]]\\ [[./1812]]+<!-- 
 +  * [[./​1801]] 
 +  * [[./​1802]] 
 +  * [[./​1803]] 
 +  * [[./1804]] 
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 +  * [[./1810]] 
 +  * [[./1811]] 
 +  * [[./1812]] 
 </​spoiler>​ </​spoiler>​
 +  * [[./1901]]
 +  * [[./1902]]
 +  * [[./1903]]
 +  * [[./1904]]
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 +  * [[./1908]]
 +  * [[./1909]]
 +  * [[./1910]]
 +  * [[./1911]]
 +  * [[./1912]]
 +  * [[./2001]]
 +  * [[./2002]]
 +  * [[./2003]]
 +  * [[./2004]]
 +  * [[./2005]]
 +  * [[./2006]]
 +  * [[./2007]]
 +  * [[./2008]]
 +  * [[./2009]]
 +  * [[./2010]]
 +  * [[./2011]]
 +  * [[./2012]]
 +  * [[./2101]]
 +  * [[./2102]]
 +  * [[./2103]]
 +  * [[./2104]]
 +  * [[./2105]]
 +  * [[./2106]]
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 +  * [[./2108]]
 +  * [[./2109]]
 +  * [[./2110]]
 +  * [[./2111]]
 +  * [[./2112]]
 +  * [[./2201]]
 +  * [[./2202]]
 +  * [[./2203]]
 +  * [[./2204]]
 +  * [[./2205]]
 +  * [[./2206]]
 +  * [[./2207]]
 +  * [[./2208]]
 +  * [[./2209]]
 +  * [[./2210]]
 +  * [[./2211]]
 +  * [[./2212]]
-==== Latest news ==== +{{page>./last/index&​footer&​editbutton&​redirect}}
- +
-<note>**April 18, 2018**\\ +
-MULTILINGUALITYAlpha-version ([[user>​Robot Spike]]) +
-</note> +
- +
-<​note>​**April 19 2018**\\ +
-There is a setup interface, return first deleted the plugin languages ([[user>​Robot Spike]]) +
-</​note>​ +
- +
-<​note>​**20 April 2018**\\ +
-Began the translation of the [[/​fr/​sci-fi/​freefall/index]] in French ([[user>​Robot Spike]]) +
-</​note>​ +
- +
-<​note>​**April 24 2018**\\ +
-Set up automatic selection of the main page with the appropriate language ([[user>​Robot Spike]]) +