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en:furry:furry-guys:0562 [2018/09/10 01:39] external edit
en:furry:furry-guys:0562 [2021/05/25 09:46] (current)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
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 *Demons-hornets - a separate class of demons in the seventh Circle, in fact - demons-kamikaze exploding/​popping/​giving electrical impulse when confronted with their chosen subject. Sid talks about the demons that at the first appearance in sight of the flying and attack heavy equipment, rendering it useless. *Demons-hornets - a separate class of demons in the seventh Circle, in fact - demons-kamikaze exploding/​popping/​giving electrical impulse when confronted with their chosen subject. Sid talks about the demons that at the first appearance in sight of the flying and attack heavy equipment, rendering it useless.