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en:furry:furry-guys:0356 [2018/09/10 01:39] external edit
en:furry:furry-guys:0356 [2021/05/25 09:50] (current)
Rainbow Spike AutoReplacer 2021.05.24.1 / AutoSaveClicker 2021.05.24
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 * The projectile used by the Archer-aress ("​cartilage"​) - enchanted arrow with a point charge aimed at the destruction of one connection between the vertebrae. In order to enchant it, requires reinforced the ritual of the order of six exorcists, and then the main thing is to get to the right place. * The projectile used by the Archer-aress ("​cartilage"​) - enchanted arrow with a point charge aimed at the destruction of one connection between the vertebrae. In order to enchant it, requires reinforced the ritual of the order of six exorcists, and then the main thing is to get to the right place.