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en:furry:furry-guys:0002 [2018/09/07 03:15]
Rainbow Spike
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-== Furry Guys 0002 == 
-[df][!1.7]Design office,\\ Houston listens. 
-[df][!1.5]Houston,​ we have a problem! 
-[df][!1.7]Dan,​ it was funny in first fifteen times. Are you not tired yet to joke this? 
-[df][!1.7]Heh,​ not yet! But now seriously – our trouble is real. Come down to the assembly room. 
-[df][!1.7]Wha,​ right now? 
-[df][!1.7]In this second, Alex! 
-[df][!1.7]I have a lot of work already! 
-[df][!1.7]...And if you don't tear your shaggy ass off the chair, you'd get more work later!!! 
-– What is the difference between mechanical engineers and construction engineers?​\\ – Mechanical engineers create weapons and construction engineers create targets for shooting. 