TAG: dragon age:inquisition

2021/05/24 10:26   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0395 Stretch Goals dragon_age:inquisition Following a familiar Bioware pattern, the third installment in the Dragon Age series attempts to b…
2021/05/24 10:26   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0398 Deadly Sin dragon_age:inquisition I have eagerly kneeled face-first into way too many areas of effect trying to pick stuff up. All Cory…
2021/05/24 10:26   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0403 Manifest Dalestiny dragon_age:inquisition I mean, I put a flag down. Can't argue with a flag.
2021/05/24 10:26   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0408 Health Notion dragon_age:inquisition Your Inquisition pals will automatically drink a potion if their health gets low enough, but the d…
2021/05/24 10:25 Robot Spike AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0425 Scrounging for Lounging dragon_age:inquisition This is a comic about a chair.