Redigering Rediger siden, og klik derefter på Gem. Hjælp, LEGEPLADS Vælg mediefil FIXME **Denne side er endnu ikke fuldt oversat. Måske kan du hjælpe med at færdiggøre oversættelsen?**\\ //(fjern dette afsnit når siden er oversat)// == Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 3229 == **Force of Hobbits: Waiting Up For Mother** {cnav} {{3229.jpg}} Персонажи: [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+Charla Firelight|Charla Firelight]], [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+Urzal Firelight|Urzal Firelight]]\\ Местность: [[/?do=search&id=ns%3Aru%3Agamer%3Ayet-another-fantasy-gamer-comic+Firelight Academy of Music|Firelight Academy of Music]] A few things: 1: Sorry for the delay. I got busy this weekend and didnt’ get around to putting this strip up on Friday, sorry about that. Hope all you fathers had a great Father’s Day! I sure did! We made a weekend out of it where I got treated like a king on Saturday and ran a D&D session on Sunday! AWWWESOME!!! 2: Yeah, I realize Urzal looks gigantic in this panel. She’s just supposed to be on the other side of a small hill. It looked great until I put the academy building in the background and didn’t realize it until it was posted and too late to change it. So, she’s not some amazing shape-shifting giant half-orc, she’s just a victim of forced perspective. 3: It’s “Genosha Sequence” update day on Rich’s Comix Blog! the Stargate SG1/Young Avengers AU mashup story written by Ardatli! Go check it out! Fortsætte med at redigere, når det er gemt Navn på denne side, kun engelsk, små bogstaver Hold venligst dette felt tomt:Gem Forhåndsvisning Fortryd Resumé af ændrigner Bemærk - ved at redigere denne side, accepterer du at dit indhold bliver frigivet under følgende licens: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International