Redigering Rediger siden, og klik derefter på Gem. Hjælp, LEGEPLADS Vælg mediefil FIXME **Denne side er endnu ikke fuldt oversat. Måske kan du hjælpe med at færdiggøre oversættelsen?**\\ //(fjern dette afsnit når siden er oversat)// == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0345 == **Dark Age of the Law** {cnav} {{0345.png}} {{tag>"Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies"}} I'm not a lawyer, but I'm //pretty sure// it takes like three or four years of post-undergraduate law school to be anywhere near eligible to take the bar exam, so most lawyers don't start their exciting and dramatic courtroom careers until their mid-to-late-twenties at the earliest. Unfortunately, humans pupate from their Hot Anime Hunk/Babe forms well before then and must move on to be Wizened Mentor Figures by their early thirties, so it's not surprising that the Ace Attorney series has taken some liberties. Or, whatever, everyone goes to lawyer highschool because of course they do. WHOA LIGHTNING SURPRISE NEWS! If you're planning on going to **[[|Anime Boston]] NEXT WEEKEND**, I'll be there! It's in Boston, unsurprisingly! Look for me in the Dealers Room with our pals from [[|Level Up Studios]]! Fortsætte med at redigere, når det er gemt Navn på denne side, kun engelsk, små bogstaver Hold venligst dette felt tomt:Gem Forhåndsvisning Fortryd Resumé af ændrigner Bemærk - ved at redigere denne side, accepterer du at dit indhold bliver frigivet under følgende licens: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International