Redigering Rediger siden, og klik derefter på Gem. Hjælp, LEGEPLADS Vælg mediefil FIXME **Denne side er endnu ikke fuldt oversat. Måske kan du hjælpe med at færdiggøre oversættelsen?**\\ //(fjern dette afsnit når siden er oversat)// == AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0083 == **Dequestrian** {cnav} {{0083.png}} {{tag>"Shadow of the Colossus"}} What? I'm sorry, you want //topical// comics about videogames? I am afraid you are at the wrong website.\\ I played Shadow of the Colossus last week and it was pretty cool! Here's a comic about it! It had some very pretty terrain and landscape composition, even if the unsteerable horse refused to traverse some of it without smashing its face into walls and stopping completely for a hundred millennia. The fact that the camera decided most of the time that it would rather be cinematic than functional did not help. Luckily, you can call the horse to your side at any time from anywhere on the map – even from right on the other side of most horse-\\ obstructors.\\ I don't remember the last time I tried to draw a horse. I may have repressed the memory. Fortsætte med at redigere, når det er gemt Navn på denne side, kun engelsk, små bogstaver Hold venligst dette felt tomt:Gem Forhåndsvisning Fortryd Resumé af ændrigner Bemærk - ved at redigere denne side, accepterer du at dit indhold bliver frigivet under følgende licens: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International