Redigering Rediger siden, og klik derefter på Gem. Hjælp, LEGEPLADS Vælg mediefil FIXME **Denne side er endnu ikke fuldt oversat. Måske kan du hjælpe med at færdiggøre oversættelsen?**\\ //(fjern dette afsnit når siden er oversat)// == Sandra and Woo 0800 == **You’re About To Lose It** {cnav} {{0800.png}} <!-- Larisa: One of the problems of modern internet culture is that witty original content immediately gets milked like there’s no tomorrow. Larisa: But people get tired pretty damn fast of even the best new music video or funny comic when it gets reposted a hundred times a day. Larisa: The question is whether those dead memes could ever be revived successfully as long as enough time has passed since their downfall. Larisa: I say “No.” Someone who tries that is an uncreative hack who lives in the past. Sandra: That’s all very nice, Liz, but I’m afraid you just lost the game. --> {{tag>board_games echanted_forest internet larisa sagaland sandra vega woo}} Fortsætte med at redigere, når det er gemt Navn på denne side, kun engelsk, små bogstaver Hold venligst dette felt tomt:Gem Forhåndsvisning Fortryd Resumé af ændrigner Bemærk - ved at redigere denne side, accepterer du at dit indhold bliver frigivet under følgende licens: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International