People talk shit about Angie but she is the one doing the hard work there.
Keep going Angie, you are the engine who keeps the house going.
I watched Terminator Genisys yesterday and I enjoyed it. The story gets a bit confusing at some point but hey, metal killer robots blowing stuff. I approve.
Personally, I wish there was a movie where Skynet had to ally itself with the humans to fight some external threat but given how weak the movie performed I seriously doubt it.
Twitch quickly reverted their decision to remove OSFrog. Like they could really remove it… they just wanted us to talk about it while throwing biblethumps.
I like Twitch chat for what it is, a place to spam memes and emotes when your team makes a big play. To chant within the crowd in a single voice.
Some people actually try to use it for chat though, those poor souls. It's like using 4chan for discussions, or Wii for gaming.
Welcome back OSfrog.
With the new season starting, I decided to play a little Diablo 3 again, pushing my little mage to the limit and trying some bizarre builds for fun and loot.
I'm always impressed with how much support the game still gets. I guess I could say the game gets as much support as, say, TF2, but the updates are usually 100% gameplay related as opposed of hats and localization files.
Or maybe I just expected the game dead and seeing it alive and kicking surprise me.
If anyone else has a high level character and still play Diablo 3 on US, give me a call, I won't mind some company for those rifts runs and meta-game discussion.
For those who wants to play Diablo III with me, my battletag is Nerfnow#1188
I was pretty hit with my 100 million damage meteors until a friend of mine talked about his 60 billion damage Archon and suddenly I started to feel inadequate…
And someone asked me what I think of Heroes of the Storm. I think League, Dota and Heroes are all fine games, but they are similar enough for me to really only play one of them. I choose Dota because I'm already used to it, no need to pay for heroes and less silly cosmetics.
I ponder if I'll end up playing X-Com 2 before Might 9.
Not like I really care at this point, but X-Com 2 was announced, built and will be released probably faster than 9.
To be honest, at this point 9 being a super bad game is the best outcome possible because it would make up for some nice humor, but I expect an okay-to-average game, which will be quickly forgotten.
Well, at least I still have X-Com 2 for some serious gaming.
If a Blizzard game has an inventory system, it will suck.
I remember fighting against bag space as far back as World of Warcraft, where stuff could only be stacked until 20. Funnily enough, some of the shit who cluttered bag space end up being removed later in the game like soul shards and poisons so you went from not being able to stack too high for it ocuppying no space at all.
I truly believe someone on Blizzard believe managing inventory is a fulfilling and fun experience so they always give you small bag space, because why play the game when you can sort your items instead?
The more perceptive among you may have noticed I didn't updated friday.
There was a thunderstorm with some freaky gale which took out the power of most of the city for 48 hours.
Most of the population is being kinda reasonable with the long-ass blackout because it was a rare storm. Some gas station was leveled and one mall is still close for repairs after the roof caved but I'm not that generous. In the end of the day it was just wind and water, not a earthquake or tsunami.
My street usually has serious power problems but this time at least the problem was more spread. Still, it just make me want to move more than before.
Oh, and I had planned to delivery the last 2 january patreon cheesecakes on the weekend but with the power failure I'm behind schedule. I'll try to put both up as soon as possible.
Now, back to our (hopefully) regular schedule.