Nerf-now 1861 - 1870 (D)
Nerf Now!! 1861

Yogg-Saron and Nexus Champ Sarrad are my favorite cards in Hearthstone. I like cards which are impredicable but overall will benefit you.
I'll sorely miss Nexus Champ when he rotates out of Hearthstone, though I'll probably suffer more with the loss of Reno since he is in most of my decks.

Nerf Now!! 1862

I'm somehow less excited about this year International than the previous ones. Perhaps it was overexposure of Dota with the Majors,
However, I got totally psyched by the Dota Nendoroids / Figmas. I never enjoyed the any of the dota collectibles. The plushies or chibi statues never did it for me but oh boy. If I lived in the US I'd prob collect it all.
And before someone asks why not import… taxes, currency exchange and postage prices makes it too pricey.

Nerf Now!! 1863

Was all excited to finally play Starbound after waiting for it for millions of years.
Game won't start.
Search the interweb and found several players with the same problem. My hunch it's related to Windows 7 which I still use.
For all problems Mighty 9 had, it worked on my computer.
Oh well… it's not like there is a shortage of games to play…

Nerf Now!! 1864

W-w-what? You guys expect me to put my tentacle where? My god, that doesn't look sanitary!
Jokes aside, I'm glad Zone allow me to cameo Zone-Tan now and them, she is a very fun character to draw.
Whatever glitch was plaguing my Starbound copy, it's fixed and the game works now, so don't let my previous experience prevent you from playing the game.
I've been watching some pro Overwatch and I don't know if I enjoy how relient on ultimates the game is. The game can turn very predictable which steals the suspense.

Nerf Now!! 1865

4 days left for Windows Update thing to end and I need to properly back up my shit.
Just my desktop has something like 100 files.
Fun times ahead!

Nerf Now!! 1866

Valve put VR support for Dota 2, just in time for the International.
Now, don't expect to PLAY the game with VR, it's just for expecating but while watching the matches with VR may be an interesting novelty, I doubt will be that good.
The camera is already in a good position to see the action, and there isn't that much to see in the dota map. Basically, outside using it once to see what the big deal is I fail to see the appeal.
Still, I may be wrong, maybe the experience is awesome, I'd give an honest try but lets say I won't go out to buy a VR set just to watch EG throw in 3d.

Nerf Now!! 1867

I wish I had more time to give indie games spotlights.. it's something I wish I could cover more since I both like indie games and think they could use a little help.
Oh, and looks like there is a new Hearthstone expansion around, One Night At Kharazhan. The theme is a bit silly, but Hearthstone isn't exactly a serious IP so all is fine.

Nerf Now!! 1868

For me, upgrading my OS is like going to downtown just to buy a new hammer with a clock included.
The old hammer works fine, and why the fuck I would want a clock-hammer? I guess it may be of some use of some people, and I may use the clock feature once in a while but I'd be more than happy to just use my old hammer.
Still, Microsfot, the hammer maker, basically says after some time your old hammer may turn into a angry wasp if you don't upgrade because they stopped giving it anti-wasp updates, so you decide it's better to upgrage, not because you want the new features, but you are afraid of being stung in the ass.
Oh, and the upgrade went without any flaws outside taking ages to start. I see no clear advantages over my old Windows 7 and honestly, I prefer the UI I'm used to but just the fact I could seamless upgrade without re-installing and formatting is a big plus.

Nerf Now!! 1869

I watched some competitive Overwatch to see if I could learn some new tricks and to find a new e-sports to follow.
Dota definitely spoiled me there because I found following the action on Overwatch super confusing. I think I'd much prefer the option to just follow a single hero instead of the camera jumping all the time in the middle of action with billions of effects in the screen. The teams don't having a specific skin doesn't help either. Is that white Reaper over there from Cloud 9 or Luminosity? Some matches even had 2 Junebug skins so the way to know which one was on each team was a small outline around the model.
Also, the presence of ultimates and healing means the team which gets a slightly edge (say, one of the enemy supports died to a headshot) will probably steamroll. This means few comeback and few surprises.
But not all was lost. EnvyUs (I think) picked a Mei on King's Row and wrecked the enemy team with walls blocking the enemy escape route. Was hilarious to see how a pro team crumble when a non-meta pick throw a wrench on their plans.
I'll probably watch it a bit more to see where my opinion on the matter stands.

Nerf Now!! 1870

Most of what I know about the fighting game scene is thanks for this friend. He know the all the big names (mostly asians), the mechanics, the drama and the salt.
It's thanks to him I know what's is an option select, a reversal and an overhead.
So in turn, I'm going to introduce to the glory of the International (as per his request). I'm not sure if he'll enjoy it but will be fun to teach him about denies, magic immunity and roshan timers.
p.s. Cammy is an OP piece of trash.