Freefall 0161 - 0170 (D)
Freefall 0161

Repairs on the port fusion engine begin. How much trouble can it be to replace a section of pipe?

Something's wrong. I'm getting error codes. Something's not right.
Ahhh! Florence, I don't recognize you! I don't recognize anything! I've lost my memory.
No, you haven't.
See? It's right here on the floor.
Whew. What a relief.

He doesn't seem to have separate video recognition of his surroundings and his own parts. But in vain (Robot Spike)

Freefall 0162

Repairs on the port fusion engine begin. How much trouble can it be to replace a section of pipe?

Okay, your visual memory's back in. Pre-processors are on line.
Strange. I was able to see, but nothing made any sense. I knew the patterns were there, but I couldn't recognize any. It was weird!
Sounds kind of like being at a science fiction convention.
Not THAT weird.

Visual agnosia (Veki)

Freefall 0163

Repairs on the port fusion engine begin. How much trouble can it be to replace a section of pipe?

That's it. Now hold it perfectly still while I seal the pipe.
Helix, you're moving.
I can't help it. My actuator itches.
There. I knew you could stay perfectly still.
You are going to put my power supply back in when we finish, right?
Freefall 0164

Repairs on the port fusion engine begin. How much trouble can it be to replace a section of pipe?

There's not even a seam. What did you do?
The pipe's a high metal ceramic. The pipe tool's basically an induction coil.
It uses magnetic fields to heat the pipe to a molten state. Those same fields shape the metal and control the…
Helix? Hello?
You know you've over explained something when you make a robot's eyes go glassy.
Freefall 0165

Repairs on the port fusion engine begin. How much trouble can it be to replace a section of pipe? филлер

The system is filled and vented. We'll be testing it at 8000 kilopascals.*
Ever wonder how much pressure you can take? I'll pull up the data.
No, no. You don't need to do that.
Hmm. According to your specifications, you fold like a wet sponge under any pressure at all.
It's a design flaw. I can't help it if I was built without a spine.

(*approx. 1160 PSI)

Freefall 0166

Repairs on the port fusion engine begin. How much trouble can it be to replace a section of pipe?

Our hydrostatic test is good. Now let's bleed down, unisolate the pressurizer, and button up the reactor compartment.
You do realize I didn't understand a word you just said?
I'm sorry. Was I speaking engineer again?
Freefall 0167

Power! We have power! Or how to start a fusion reactor

That's the last of the shield blocks. Ready to start up a nuclear reactor, Helix?
Just a minute.
Okay, I'm ready!
Freefall 0168

Power! We have power! Or how to start a fusion reactor

Helix, what are you doing way out here?
I don't know anything about nuclear reactors, so I ran away to reach minimum safe distance.
So, what is the minimum safe distance for ignorance?
You know, I'm not really sure.
Freefall 0169

Power! We have power! Or how to start a fusion reactor

This is a good spot.
Now If we look to the east, we'll see the biggest fusion reactor in the solar system come up over those hills.
Should I be panicking about now?
If you wish. Myself, I've always enjoyed sunrises.
Freefall 0170

Power! We have power! Or how to start a fusion reactor

You're right! The sun! It works by fusing hydrogen into helium!
But …Nuclear power is bad. Solar power is good. But the sun is nuclear power.
And the plants! And the animals that eat the plants! They all ultimately get their energy from a nuclear source.
Don't shout too loud. You might start another government agency.

The local star is not named anywhere, leaving the reader room for imagination. This refers to the sun as a source of light, and not the name of a specific star ;) (Robot Spike)