Freefall 1441

A stop with Qwerty филлер

Okay. Safer subject. I hope. Did you take Nickel's parts out of my robe pocket?
Yes, though I can't see him wanting his old legs back. His new set up is much faster. I'll ask him when I see him again.
Can you contact him on the net?
Already did. He replied “AAAAAHHHH!!!”
I thought he'd stop when he reached the coast, but he's already half way across the ocean. He really should have told me he was going to do that. I would have waterproofed the design.

Very often the folks on the forum come up with better jokes I ever could. The idea for Nickel's propulsion came from Comic1298. Fenrir posted “How comes no one has come up with the obvious solution? Attach the nuclear jet packs to the waffle irons, then attach the waffle irons to the sled, best of both worlds.” Then Star*fighter came up with the following drawing. No way I can top that. :) Star F1ghter has an art page at: Deviant Art.

Color by George Peterson.

In 1988, the first HelpMate robot goes to work at Danbury (Conn.) Hospital.